
confessions of a full time everything. {two days till spring break, y'all.}

I can think of a million sayings about hard work, success, and never quitting - I can think of quotes by business men, coaches, and celebrities about never giving up on your dreams. I am sure you can too. 

Ask yourself: Can you think of any quotes that talk about how hard it is? Can you think of any quotes about the sleepless nights, the missed calls from friends, the declined invitations for dinners - can you think of any? 

If you can, the number of those quotes is probably far less than the ones about success and never quitting. People are rewarded in public for what they have practiced in private, and the world forgets that - I forget that. How many years did Bill and Melinda Gates eat Ramen and watch basic cable? How many years did Jay-Z still sell drugs, because rap wasn't making the ends meet yet? How many dinner invitations will I decline before I can say yes?

This is what it's all about, right? Right. Accomplishing one goal to move to another, to achieve the life you have dreamed of for forever. 

Well, today, with two days before spring break, all my full times are wearing me thin. As I sit in my Wednesday night graduate class, (yes, I am updating my blog during class), I am drained emotionally and physically. With spring here, the days are long and the hours are longer, and the reward seems far off. 

Whether you are in education, business, finance, customer service, retail - it doesn't matter - spring fever is real. It is real. It is here. It's here, set up shop for a while - so, how do we do it? 

It's so important to take time for yourself and for the ones you love and the things you love. With the sense of urgency reaching it's breaking point, it's important to take time to recharge for yourself and the people around you. How do you do that? How are you taking care of yourself, so that you can take care of all the things that need you? 

1. Unplug. Put the phone down. Turn your notifications on silent. Close the computer. Walk away. With constant connection, it's hard to be okay with being alone and be unattached, but I am here to tell you - it is okay. It is okay to leave your phone on the dining room table and cook dinner in the kitchen and watch TV in the living room. Being able to be alone and enjoy solitude is a positive character trait. Unplug. Let yourself detach from constant updates and be okay with being with yourself and the ones you love and the things you love. 

2. Do an activity. I love to read. I love to color, paint, and be artsy. What do you love? What do you love that is separate from your job, separate from your children, separate from your spouse - what do you love? Whatever it is, do it. If you need a nap, take it. You want a glass of wine? Drink it. You want to read that US Weekly? Do it. A key to renewing yourself is providing yourself a time to fill yourself back up after you have depleted what you have for others.  

3. Eat your favorite meal. I realize that food should not be a reward - you're not a dog, spare me the dietary facts. The reality of the situation is that good food and good friends, or one of each can change your life. 

4. Dress up. Male or female, a good outfit can change your outlook on life, so tomorrow, dress up, show up, and never give up! (: 

Friends, Ginger On the Move is a year old, and y'all have been rocking with me the whole time - I am so grateful! I hope your spring fever gets a vaccination soon! 

Until then, 
- Lucy 