
one down, thirteen to go...

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Today, my second class in my new master's program started. The first hurdle out of the way - my first class done and  I would like to think that I was more than successful. 

Despite my academic success in this class, a doubt that this is the right path for me has crept in anyways. My professor proclaimed, on the first day, that part of his job was weeding out those who didn't truly want it. He said, on more than one occasion, that there are great students who don't become great principals, and it's human nature to wonder if I was one of those he was talking too. I already felt a level of apprehension coming into the program, and after all he said, the feeling still lingered. That feeling that I am meant for great things, but maybe just not this has been rolling around in my mind. Then, something happened. Well, a few things happened. 

1. I received a great observation from my principal. Say what you want about the evaluative measures of North Carolina, and how effective they truly are, but the reality for me, right now as a classroom teacher, is that these evaluations mean so much more than a few boxes with check marks. My principal is someone I have grown to respect and value her professional opinion, and having her give me a great evaluation meant a lot. I already know that I am doing what I need to for my students and at any cost, but having someone you respect say that to you can make your day. 

2. I was honored with being chosen as the monthly spotlight educator for my district, which is, as my friends and coworkers tell me, a big deal. Believe it or not, being praised and complimented is something I still struggle to accept, and this is an unbelievable honor that I am so grateful to share with my students, my team, and my school. Teaching is not an individual sport - the sheer complexity of my task as a teacher can only be carried out with a school and team that has a culture of excellence. 

3. My teammates, both who are new teachers, got glowing evaluations too. This, again, speaks to the testament of the atmosphere and environment we have created for each other and for our students. When one of us shines, we all shine. 5th grade is an all or nothing team - we all get it or we all don't. Having them feel empowered and successful is, by far, the greatest victory so far. 

As I write this long over due post on the lunch break of my Saturday class, I think of my future - I am sure a lot of us do. What will it look like, who will be there, what will I be doing, and for once, one thing is for certain. Regardless of the physical space or the people who occupy it, I will be educating someone in some way. 

My classmates are starting to straggle in, so I am sure this is a natural wrap up for me. I hope you find your Saturday productive (: Stay tuned for a special edition of Strategy Sunday tomorrow! 

- Until next time, loves... 

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