
Must Read Monday. {what's on my shelf?}

Monday - here we are again + if your Monday has been anything like mine, it's dragged on forever and left you dreaming of your bed and being pantsless in your apartment. 

The bright spot in my Monday is I have 2 books on hold at the library + that is life changing for a nerd like myself. With two new books to start and finish, here are a few of my summer recommendations to keep the Monday blues at bay - 

Pretty Ugly by Kirker Butler was a quick read for me for so many reasons! Taking on the world of beauty pageants and reality TV obsessions, Butler creates identifiable characters in Miranda Miller, Bailey, and Ray - I instantly could relate his fictional characters to real life people in the lime light. Using satirical humor, Butler pokes fun at the state of reality TV and the need to live up to the Joneses'. If you're looking for a darkly humorous, yet perfect beach read, check this one out. 
Another quick read was Read Bottom Up by Neel Shah and Skye Chatham - it took me a day, a literal day, to finish this hilarious gem that is written in e-mails and text messages. Chronicling the relationship of Madeline and Elliot, it resonates so many relationship realities that we face in the 21st century. Too long text messages, not texting enough, texting too much - Read Bottom Up takes on social media's impact on relationships and does it in a cute and romantic way. 

Remembering my mid year resolution to try a new recipe each week, Food Network Magazine: 1,000 Easy Recipes has become such a helpful guide. It comes complete with grocery lists and most of the dishes require minimal cooking skills. It is separated by sections, making it easy to plan by the ingredient that you plan on using for dinner. While I borrowed it from the library, it's been added to my purchase list, so I can track the changes I make to the recipes. 

Here are just a few of things on my shelf - enjoy your week, loves! 
Until next time, 

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