
9 days.

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9 days. 

9 days till the EOG. 

Such a scary thought. 

9 days till my students are assessed on everything we have learned, practiced, discussed, and worked on the entire year. 

9 days till my reputation rests on the shoulders of 10 year olds. 

As a teacher, you have to disassociate yourself from the reality of test scores, and be the best teacher you can be every single day. I cannot be crippled by fear of failure on my part or the part of my students. Being afraid doesn't teach them to preserve and try their best. Being hesitant doesn't show them it's okay to make mistakes and try again and again. I am the best role model for my students and I have to set the tone of success, the attitude of excellence that needs to be poured into my classroom. 

I have been blessed with a group of students who know that knowledge and intelligence comes from hard work and lots of experience, and I have tried my best to give them that this year. I have to take comfort in the fact that I have tried my best, and they will try their best too. We are family. We are in this together. This is our journey and in 9 days, it's going to wrap up. 

To the next 9 days of my life and the EOGs, prepare to be defeated and bloodied by the most fabulous fifth graders ever. 

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