
I'm Moving!

Photo Credit: Pinterest
That's right, I'm moving...

to a new apartment complex about 10 minutes away from my current one. (: What does this mean? This means I am staying in North Carolina. I am declining the job in California. 

Please save the you're only young once, you have one life speech for someone else. I am young. I only have one life, and I am choosing how to live it. 

Staying in North Carolina does not make my life less meaningful or exciting; on the flip side, it makes it that much more meaningful and exciting. A few carefully placed events in the past few days have showed me my life is here, at least for the next few years. I have built a name for myself as an educator and have made a life that I am proud of and love (most days.) So, I will respectfully decline the job to California, which was perfect and wonderful on paper, and who knows - it could have been in real life too. It just wasn't for me. 

This blog was created to chronicle my journey for new beginnings and my search for my place, and through this whole process, I have found what I was looking for. It was right in front of me. That sounds so clique, but it's true. Being forced to think about the idea of moving away forced me to see the amazing things that I have in front of me. It forced me to see that I am surrounded by friends who have become a tiny little family for me, a job that I love (most days), a city that I have grown to call home, and a few other things that I am keeping a secret for now. (: 

I can't say how long I'll stay in North Carolina. It will be for at least a year, maybe longer if I can re-enroll in school in the fall for a Ph.D program. I do know one thing is for sure - this isn't the end. It's very much the beginning, very much the fresh outlook I had been craving to make my life even more fulfilling and enjoyable here. In this moment, I will never be younger than I am now, so let's take a breath, enjoy the fact that the Ginger isn't moving too far, and be totally in love with life! 

Here's to a new chapter and a new apartment in an old city! 
Photo Credit: Pinterest

On a side note: My boo from college has started a blog: Please check it out. She does such a good job letting her voice carry across the screen and inspire others to do their best! (: 

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