
Motivation Monday! [:

Photo credit: Pinterest
and we're back to our regularly scheduled program...

No, I don't mean we are back to shaping young minds - my summer can't be that short. (: I do mean we are back to encouraging and making sure that Monday doesn't get a bad rap or gets sold short. 

Everyone waits for the New Year, January 1st, for a second chance - a fresh start, but we get a second chance every week - every Monday is another opportunity to make what you want happen and to make yourself into the person you want to be. Monday gets the most awful rap for being the first day of the work week, when it should be viewed as another chance to have the best week ever! 

Some of you reading this could be thinking that I am too enthusiastic or naive to real world happenings, but friend, let me tell you - I used to be you. I used to hate Mondays - another week of my boring life, at my less than perfect job, with a less than perfect body, with they choose when they want to be my friend friends. 

But, I had to stop that negativity - cut it off like a dead flower and tell myself there's more to life than trudging through the mud and hoping something different happens. You have to make that change. One positive thought in the morning is life-changing. I promise. Do it. 

Monday should be a goal-setting, powerful day for everyone - a moment where you say 'This is what I am accomplishing this week, no matter the cost.' Our goals will be different, we are all in different places, and that's okay - the point is we set the week on fire and make it happen! 

I believe in accountability, even when it's difficult or hurts, so let someone know your goals - let someone be your cheerleader. Who doesn't love cheerleaders? Everyone knows in college, I loved them more than I did the athletes - why? Because they cheer for others' success, they cheer for others to win. Be a cheerleader and let others cheer for you. There are so many quotes about not letting others know your goals and dreams, because they will shoot them down. If that's your reality, you need to surround yourself with new people, boo. A true friend, a true cheerleader won't shoot anything down, but negative speech and actions. 

So, here's to Monday, here's to setting the week on fire and not letting flame go out, here's to carrying those imaginary pom-poms and waving them every chance you get - for others and for yourself. Here's to Monday, cupcakes - another chance to make all your dreams come true! 

Photo Credit: Myself 


Working Woman Wednesday!

It's been a while since we've celebrated a #workingwomanwednesday - hash tag and all. Today is as good as any, especially since today is the first Wednesday of summer vacation, and I'm still working. 

I'm attending a technology workshop for my district and while it does pay a stipend, I'm genuinely excited learn new strategies for technology in my classroom. I read a quote recently that teachers need summers to forget, or they'd never come back, and that teachers are solar-powered and recharge in the summer. I feel like both are true. Teachers need to forget the grueling hours and lack of encouragement from outsiders and we need to recharge ourselves, but also our toolbox of methods we use to teach our babes. 

Every artist seeks perfection, and I am no different. If you're a good or great teacher, you are always constantly seeking ways to better your performance and strategies. If you're a teacher, and you don't seek to improve yourself, then I have serious concerns about your performance in the classroom. 

So, here's to #workingwomanwednesday - here's to the ladies that do it all all the time, and never ask for validation - here's to the women who work on their days off and answer work e-mails while watching TV - here's to the girls who spend their summers at Food Lion and not the pool - today is for you! 


Dear cupcakes...

Dear cupcakes, 

Today, I had a thought - what if I had never met you? 

What if, by some fluke, you wouldn't have ended up in my class? What if I wouldn't have changed my major to education that day my sophomore year? What if I hadn't been so persistent to get hired at this elementary school? What if we had never met? 

Would I ever meet someone who has as special as you, who was so innately curious about the world? Probably not. 

Everything happens for a reason, and there was a reason that you were in my class this year. There was a reason you were picked for me. I needed to be reminded why I became a teacher. I needed to be reminded that real lives, real issues, real stuff bleeds over into the classroom despite how much we try to seal ourselves off into a safe place. I needed to be reminded that you need an advocate who isn't afraid to challenge the typical or travel the beaten path. I needed to be reminded of those things. 

This isn't a one-sided relationship; however, you benefited from me too. We learned the Common Core state standards so well that you told me you practiced fractions in your sleep. You learned how to learn vocabulary words easily and what you need to help you remember them - most of you speak two or three languages, the words you know can get cluttered. I helped you sort them. We had parties, treats, and I taught you selfless love. How do I know you taught me this? 

You gave me a surprise party. You planned it. You brought in money, asked other teachers, and begged for people to hide the treats in your room. You did that, without being asked or told. That's selfless. You learn to love others how I loved you, and isn't that the ultimate goal of school, to become a better person all around? 

We've taught each other so much, and now it's over - another year added to the books, and I am so glad I spent it with you. 

This isn't good-bye, it's see you later - you have my number, use it. Call me, text me - I will be there cheering you on every day. 

Love you, mean it - 
Miss Scott 

I met my match.

I met my match in a third grade language arts/social studies job opening at a charter school in Raleigh. 

I didn't get it. 

I know what you're thinking, people don't get jobs every day, Lucy - this isn't a big deal. The unemployment rate is at epic proportions in parts of the country, people not getting a job isn't a big deal. 

Not getting a job is a big deal, and it is a big deal to me. For me, this is the first occurrence of this kind. Yes, in my twenty-four years, this is the first time I haven't gotten what I wanted professionally or academically. I haven't always been the prettiest or the most athletic, but I've always been close to the smartest, and refused to be outworked by anyone - call it boastful, but I know my strengths. I have never not gotten the job, until last night, when I saw the principal's name flash across my inbox, and I took a breath and read it. I reread it, and reread it again to be sure - yeah, I didn't get it. The competition was tough, we went in the best direction - blah, blah, blah - it all means the same thing - We didn't pick you

I took it harder than I thought. For my first disappointment in my professional career, I took it as hard as a boy breaking up with me. I cried, had a pity party, cried to my mom on the phone, blew my nose, and cried some more. I sobbed I wasn't good enough or not worthy enough, but at the end of the day, what good does that do? 

Truth be told, I am good enough - I am good enough for that richy-rich school and I am good enough at the 100% free and reduced lunch school and everything in between- I am good enough anywhere - it just wasn't my time. Say what you will about destiny and a life plan, but I honestly believe if things are meant for you, you will receive them. You will not have to sacrifice your dignity for your destiny. You won't have to make unrealistic promises or outlandish trades to get what you deserve. It will come to you - through hard work and perseverance, it will come to you. 

So, here it is Tuesday, on the last week of school, and my wounds are fresh from disappointment and already missing my students more than I should. I am a weepy mess, and that's okay. It's time to finish out school and place job-searching and life-searching on the back burner, because I have an itty bitty amount of time left with my best friends who are ten, and I will enjoy every minute of it, because for them - I am enough. I am more than enough (they threw me a surprise party - more to come later), and for me, they are my support system, my motivation, the reason I will probably end up single with ten cats and ten degrees, and not regret any of it. 

My tale for Tuesday - There is no elevator to success - you have to take the stairs. Sometimes, the stairwell closes and you have wait for another door to open, sometimes you have to go back down and take another set, and sometimes, you sit down on the stairs and have a party while you wait. Either way, however you do it - do it. Meet your matches and sprint when you can - work as hard as you expect others too. 

Until Thursday, my friends (: 

Filled hearts and refrigerators.

This weekend, my mom and dad came to see me and that was life changing in every way. 

It had been a very long time since I've seen my family. Trips home are expensive, and as a teacher, money is hard to come by, but time is also hard to come by, and for a whole host of reasons, this was our first visit in a while. 

I had surgery on Friday, and who doesn't want their mom to come when they have surgery? After a very long, long, long Friday, I finally figured out why I've been feeling so awful for so long. My stomach valve doesn't close, and so my body is constantly producing acid, which was making me feel awful all the time, but with modern medicine, I am already starting to feel better. I also moved this weekend, which is probably more interesting than hearing about my acidic stomach.

My new apartment is literally double what I was living in, and I couldn't be more happier! I have been looking forward to moving for a couple months - in fact, it's the only thing I've been looking forward too, given the state of my professional life. So, here I am, in a semi-unpacked apartment, with a heart and a refrigerator filled with love, watching The Little Mermaid, and attempting to relax before the EOGs start tomorrow. 

My students are ready. I am ready. I cannot focus on the anxiety that surrounds high stakes testing. A good/great/fantastic (whatever adjective you want to use) teacher does not let her students know failure is an option, because her attitude of excellence is so ingrained in herself and her classroom culture that her students do not know anything less. That is how I approach the next few days - by reminding my students that everything about them is amazing and that they are, by far, the smartest and most ready, because they're in my class. [: 

In other education news, this past week, the NC legislature presented a budget with an 11% raise! Can we believe our eyes? How generous of them? -_- 


Don't be fooled by pretty presentation - they are offering a steak dinner on a trash can lid. Don't take the trash dinner. Don't eat their garbage. The legal jargon they have drowned the budget in is ridiculous - we get an 11% raise if we give up our tenure, if we challenge them in court, they put everyone back on the frozen pay scale - please, get your life, and take several seats, NC legislature. Go home. You're drunk. In a day and age, when teachers are leaving NC in droves, you are going to present this trash dinner - I'll starve. 

I don't know if I am going to teach for forever. At this rate, I'm seriously considering going to law school and fight them at their own game, but that's what they want - they want us to leave, so what do I do? What do we do, as a collective educational body? 

With the summer quickly approaching, everyone - educators and non-educators - need to be wary of anything that seems too good to be true, because more than likely, it is. 

In closing, it's the last week before the last week of school, and EOG week - I am going to make it one of the best experiences for my students that I can and with every action, attempt to show the world that there are teachers who do care and who do make this their life. 

Photo Credit: Google Images