
Dear cupcakes...

Dear cupcakes, 

Today, I had a thought - what if I had never met you? 

What if, by some fluke, you wouldn't have ended up in my class? What if I wouldn't have changed my major to education that day my sophomore year? What if I hadn't been so persistent to get hired at this elementary school? What if we had never met? 

Would I ever meet someone who has as special as you, who was so innately curious about the world? Probably not. 

Everything happens for a reason, and there was a reason that you were in my class this year. There was a reason you were picked for me. I needed to be reminded why I became a teacher. I needed to be reminded that real lives, real issues, real stuff bleeds over into the classroom despite how much we try to seal ourselves off into a safe place. I needed to be reminded that you need an advocate who isn't afraid to challenge the typical or travel the beaten path. I needed to be reminded of those things. 

This isn't a one-sided relationship; however, you benefited from me too. We learned the Common Core state standards so well that you told me you practiced fractions in your sleep. You learned how to learn vocabulary words easily and what you need to help you remember them - most of you speak two or three languages, the words you know can get cluttered. I helped you sort them. We had parties, treats, and I taught you selfless love. How do I know you taught me this? 

You gave me a surprise party. You planned it. You brought in money, asked other teachers, and begged for people to hide the treats in your room. You did that, without being asked or told. That's selfless. You learn to love others how I loved you, and isn't that the ultimate goal of school, to become a better person all around? 

We've taught each other so much, and now it's over - another year added to the books, and I am so glad I spent it with you. 

This isn't good-bye, it's see you later - you have my number, use it. Call me, text me - I will be there cheering you on every day. 

Love you, mean it - 
Miss Scott 

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