
Must Read Monday!

Oh my goodness - it's Monday! (Read that in my excited voice, please.) It's the first day of the week, the first day back for teachers (and some students), and a day closer to my birthday! There are so many reasons to be excited about today, and I am sure there are so many reasons in your own life to be happy and in love with your life. 

In memorial of the last day of summer and the start of the school year, here are some Must Read Monday suggestions to help you taper off from your summer reading addiction: 

Photo credit: Google Images
1. Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella - I read this series before, but re-reading it brings out so much more from the books. I love love love love Rebecca; there are so many similarities between her and myself, I can't help but be in love with her and her ridiculous problem solving skills. Humor is difficult to write, but Kinsella hits it out of the park through the whole series. If you're looking for a comfortable, casual, and funny read to destress from a long work day, check this series out. Shopaholic to the Stars, the next book in the series, comes out in October, so be ready for Becky taking over LA.
Honorable mention: Can You Keep a Secret? is also another great read by Kinsella. 

2. The Everything: Budgeting Book - Yes, another self help book has made the list, but that's what your twenties are about - making yourself into a better person. Whether you want to admit it or not, money is necessary and it's necessary to understand how to make money work for you and you not work for money. It's not cute to have a $2,000 bag and not have $2,000 to put in it, so hence the budgeting book. It's a quick easy read, as most self help books are, but this book doesn't have to be read chapter by chapter - I jumped around, based on my specific questions about budgets and finance. Starting off by identifying your short term and long term financial goals will make this book easier to read, and make sure you have your numbers ready to be crunched, like your expenses, income, etc. We should all be saving money, and we should all be fiscally responsible - don't let debt run you! 

Honorable mentions: Magazines from Groupon bucks - I had a credit to Groupon from a bad purchase and they recently red a promotion for $5 magazine subscriptions. I subscribed to Town & Country, Elle, Food Network, and Vogue. I am obsessed with home-making and fashion and elite social circles, so these magazines help fuel my need to live above my temporary status. Magazine subscriptions may seem old fashioned in the age of e-readers and iPads, but I love real print of anything, so it was a summer (cheap) treat to myself. 

So, loves, here's to Must Read Monday and the eternal search for a new favorite book - 
have a great Monday, sweets! 

Photo credit: Facebook

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