
Working Woman Wednesday!

Hello loves, 

It's Wednesday and since I successfully failed to produce a Monday post - let's really kill this one. 

Working Woman Wednesday - while this is an Instagram hashtag movement, it's become a pretty rad way to remember that it's a powerful thing to be a woman who handles her business, who asserts herself, and who pretty much is a badass. 

Recently, I was trolling cat videos on YouTube, and an advertisement for Always started - the gist of the commercial was the phrase "like a girl" has a negative connotation. The interviewers brought young girls, adult women, and other individuals and ask them to do things "like a girl." Other individuals and adult women completed these activities with negative undertones - like the boy who flapped his arms as he ran, flinging his wrists back and forth. The young girls, however, are what #WWW is about - when asked to punch like a girl, one girl threw a left hook that would make Mayweather shake (: Another was asked to run like a girl, and she sprinted faster than Bolt - they had the right attitude. "Like a girl" isn't an insult - it's a compliment, because everything you do should be badass and rad and should be a testament of what you are capable of. 

In a day and age when young girls are sent so many mixed messages about what it means to be an empowered woman. There are so many ways to be empowered and to show the world how wonderful you are! 

If you're the single mom who goes to school and works two jobs, own it! If you're the college student who stayed in and study, highlight the hell out of that textbook and ace your exam! If you're the twenty something who turned down a beach trip to pay your rent, lay on your living room floor and enjoy the feeling of having your OWN place to live. 

So, today as I pour over standards and make transfer goals and performance tasks, I'll remember to empower myself and take one step towards my goals. I hope you do the same! Remember, you deserve everything you want in life - you don't have to short change yourself, because someone else didn't get what they wanted. 

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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