
Freebie Friday + Organization!

Photo Credit: Google Images
Organization is such a central piece to every event in daily life, and some people are naturally inclined to organize and make lists and other simply walk through the day, hoping to remember their next engagement. 

I am naturally inclined to organize, and as a teacher, it is imperative that I stay on top of everything, because I am so much  more than a teacher. I am a daughter, friend, sister, teacher, writer, blogger - and all of those things require a time commitment and without my planner, I'd be stumbling through the day, which would end poorly for everyone. 

This year, I knew I wanted to create my own planner and I set about trying to find printable pages that met my needs. My first stop was Etsy. I am all about supporting individuals rather than business, so this was a great starting place. 

Very quickly, I noticed that Etsy is overflowing with talented people who make amazing printables for every walk of life and every need, so I was able to find what I wanted. 

My first purchase was Printable Planner Pages 2014-2015 - Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Notes, Perpetual - Letter 8.5 x 11 - Fresh Enthusiasm from Anima Vivo. It includes a monthly overview, a weekly breakdown, and a daily appointment sheet. In addition to those wonderful features, it also includes a note sheet. Tara (the owner and amazing creator of those pages) has given us a $2 off coupon on printable pages from her! Use the code GINGERSROCK to get your own printables today! 

My second purchase was Printable Planner Add-On Pages for full size notebooks from Pumpkin Girl Designs. This set included a yearly overview, a daily planner, a note sheet, contacts list, and dates to remember - her colors are fabulous and she has a lot to choose from too. 

My total for my Etsy purchases was $9.50 - a steal considering some planners for professionals (especially teachers) run upwards of $35! 

My next step was piecing it together. I printed out the yearly overview, monthly overviews, as well as two weekly break downs. One weekly overview correlates with the monthly overview, and the other weekly break down is specifically for classroom instruction. Click here to get the overview I created. I also printed note taking sheets for impromptu meetings or bright ideas. I made my own dividers using Publisher and my favorite quotes. 

I had it bound at Staples for $5. So, for $14.50 and some printer ink, I made my own planner with features I wanted! To see pictures of my planner - click here. 

I hope you enjoyed getting organized and our freebie for today! Check out both fantastic creators on Etsy and use the coupon! Tell her Lucy sent you! 

Until next time, loves 

P.S. Strategy Saturday is just around the corner and I hear there's a giveaway! 

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