Yesterday was nothing short of amazing, and as I sit here and sip my coffee, recovering from a mid-week late night with dear friends, I am suddenly grateful that I have a great reason to be tired and slow moving this morning. Yesterday was amazing for all of the most normal, mundane reasons, but it was so important - so necessary for my season that I am in.
I started Ginger on the Move to chronicle my journey through job searching and possibly relocation, and at the end of it all, I ended up staying right where I was. This summer, I felt very indifferent to my situation - emotionally exhausted from the roller coaster known as soul searching, and just gave up - resigned to the fact that I would work my current job until something better came along. I wasn't particularly enthused about starting a new school year at the same place where I felt so many up and down emotions, but I still helped out with interviews, still worked on plans and then something happened, I started to love it again.
I started to feel invested in the common good at this elementary school that I had developed a love-hate relationship with. My administration changed, my attitude changed, and our school changed (18 new hires!), and before you knew it, I loved it again. Fast forward to yesterday, a pretty defining moment in my professional career and it feels amazing to be so stable in my professional career!
Yesterday was one of those moments where you feel your season change and your ultimate goal/dream/passion/purpose gets so much clearer. It started in PLCs (professional learning communities.) My team was analyzing data from a recent district assessment, and were looking at subgroups. We noticed a trend with some of our kids, and wanted to speak with our administration further. When they came by, they were so proud of the conversations we were having and so supportive of our intervention plan - they asked to film our next PLC! We (5th grade) were beyond flattered - I love knowing I'm doing the right thing and I love being able to take what I am doing and help others become better teachers. That's the ultimate goal - love your passion so much that others are inspired too.
Fast forward to a late afternoon conversation with my principal - she asked me about my future goals and where I see myself, and I shared with her my new interests. While being a superintendent is an ultimate goal, most recently, I've developed a true love for leading others to be better teachers - most specifically in the role as principal.
Most people are going to groan and say "I'd never do that job." To that I say, I'm glad you're not a principal. When I think of being a principal, I think of a true humble servant. You are the driving force behind the quality of education that takes place at a school, and you have to want to help teachers become better. It's not easy, but to quote Jay-Z - "difficult takes a day, impossible takes a week." Teaching has never been for the faint of heart, and I most certainly am not scared at this opportunity.
So, there it is folks, the next phase in Lucy's lesson plan shawty journey - a principal. I've already started applications to a few schools, and hope to start in January or soon after. This realization comes on the wave of a difficult, emotionally trying season. I didn't love myself, I didn't love others the way I should, and I didn't stop and celebrate where I was. Instead, I wished and tried to move myself before I was meant to and at each turn, I met a stop sign or a road block or was blatantly told no. I was forced to sit and wait - endure, preserve and rely on my own self to weather the storm, and let my blessings (which you should never chase) come to me. Believe what you will about higher powers, but the universe will bring you to opportunities meant for you. This was meant for me. Yesterday was the literal end to a cold, sad season and the start of a journey to a place where I appreciate myself and my current place (instead of wishing for the next.)
So, on this Thursday (my favorite day) - enjoy your season, don't wish for another or different portion. Have enough love for yourself to celebrate where you've come from and where you want to go. Have enough of a humble attitude to be okay with the fact you aren't where you want to be and the fact that you don't know everything, and probably never will.
Until next time, loves
- xo, Lucy
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