
Working Woman Wednesday {degrees as wallpaper.}

First, let's acknowledge that it's been about a million years since my last update. 
Photo Credit: Google Images

Now, that's out of the way - let's get down to business of #WorkingWomanWednesday

Today, I completed my application for a prestigious MSA (Master's in School Administration) and as I was writing my statement of purpose, I got so inspired about my purpose and my profession again. 

It's so easy when you're in the trenches to forget why and how much you love something and today, I remembered and it felt amazing. To remember that there's a larger purpose that I am working towards - to remember that upwards of 50% of high school students in urban America won't graduate high school, and to remember that the achievement gap for under-served populations is growing by the day. 

I'm sure some of you read those things, and think it can't be changed or it's such a daunting task that surely could crush someone with the pressure and sense of urgency, but honey, I was made for this. 

I was made for small group instruction, I was made for data analysis, I was made for advocating for little people who can't speak up for themselves yet, and I was made to love them unconditionally. The true passion that lives inside of me to make other teachers great and to be a great teacher is unparalleled. My work ethic is comparable to Beyonce's - we all have the same twenty-four hours. 

So,what are you doing with yours? Are you solving a problem? Are you adding to the world, instead of taking away? Are you enriching others and sharing your gifts? 

I hope you answered yes to all those questions. If you didn't, you need to reevaluate your purpose and plan. We all have to be in this together - the world already has enough negative, make your little corner bright and better with your attitude and purpose. 

Maybe, you haven't found your true purpose - you might be sitting there thinking, "Lucy, I don't know what I am meant to do." Boo, that's okay - as long as whatever you're doing right now is making something or someone (including yourself) better. Don't waste anything, especially your time and resources. 

So, on this Wednesday, a quote from my freshman reading (which I reread all the time) embodies my message on #WorkingWomanWednesday - "For me, an area of moral clarity is: you're in front of someone who's suffering and you have the tools at your disposal to alleviate that suffering or even eradicate it, and you act." - Dr. Paul Farmer 
That wraps it up, cupcakes - if you see someone suffering, and you have the tools to fix it, you need to do it. 
Keep being fierce, loves! Until next time - 
xo, Lucy 

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