
Five Wonderful Things + Freebie Friday!

You would think after the first month of school that I would have this "plan a time to write my blog" thing down, but I don't, and that's so frustrating, because it's so hard (and other teachers, especially younger ones will agree) to separate life and school. 

It's so difficult to find that balance when there aren't set guidelines or parameters for when is it okay to work on school stuff and when it's not okay. The world seems to be content with the passion of teaching swallowing up your whole being and never truly giving it back, which means we (teachers) have to find a way to separate ourselves from our profession and passion, because we don't want to burn out or give up or lose ourselves. My teammates and I have resolved to work together to help each other separate school and life - one day a week, our school bags do not come home with us. We are all young and deserve a time for ourselves, even it's one day a week - we all deserve that chance to pursue the other interests in our lives. 

And, to top it all off, it's Friday - thank God and Ice Cube - the day that every professional craves from Monday morning to now, and boy do I need it. As the eternal optimist, I need time to regroup and be better than myself the next week, and that's what the weekend is for. So, here are Five Wonderful Things that have happened this week or are going to happen this weekend: 

1. I have my guided reading groups. Any teacher or any school that uses mClass as a universal reading screener will tell you that getting all the testing in before the window closes is one of the hardest tasks ever, but I have my finalized reading groups and REAL instruction on their level has started, which means I can start to see growth very soon. 

2. I have a friend staying with me from college. She needed a place to stay while waiting for her new apartment to open up, and I am more than happy to help out a friend. Even though we both kept "teacher" bedtimes (before 9), it was nice to have her here and have someone to chat with, if I wanted, when I came home. It made me consider a roommate for a hot second, but I still don't like wearing pants in my apartment, so it probably isn't for me. 

3. I am thinking about going back to school in January. Yes, you read that correctly! I am thinking about going to back to school in January. I miss it - I am such a nerd, and I don't care. I will wear my thick rimmed glasses and carry a stack of books before I do anything else - I love learning. My professional goals are shifting slightly, so who knows what the future holds for this little ginger? 

4. Fall started. This is something wonderful that happened for everyone, so don't you dare say nothing wonderful happened to you this week! I don't like wishing time away - it seems pointless and wasteful, but fall holds a special place in my heart. I am from the mountains of Kentucky and changing leaves and the smell that fall has will always warm my heart. I can't wait for sweaters and boots every day, and hot chocolate instead of coffee. Fall is my season. 

5. I read this week. Again, this is not a monumental event, but that's what Five Wonderful Things is truly about - taking small moments and realizing how important they are. This week, during the school week, I read. I sat down and read TWICE. After I completed my daily teacher tasks, I read for fun, and it was a book I wanted to read. This was so meaningful to my psyche and being able to set away from all obligations to just read and relax. So, I guess I took the first step in separating myself from school. 

Also - it's Freebie Friday! Anyone who leaves a comment will be entered to win something special from me! (: I want to meet my readers and bring some sparkle into your life! So, make sure you comment! 

Until, next time (tomorrow for Strategy Saturday!), 
- Lucy, xo 

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