
I can't afford my lifestyle. {a confession of fabulousness.}

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"Every year the women of New York leave the past behind and look forward to the future... this is known as Fashion Week." - Carrie Bradshaw 

It's here - it's finally here, New York Fashion Week

Why is this important, you may ask to a girl whose posts revolve around teaching, changing lives, and seeking her future and better self? Because, while this girl is changing lives and seeking her future self, she is dressed in (sometimes couture) vintage and carrying the most fabulous handbags. Fashion and the desire to be fabulous (and not necessarily on trend) is something I am in love with. I grew up in a lower middle class family, we had enough, but for a teenage girl who poured over Town and Country and Vogue from her earliest years, it was never enough. My first job at fourteen (and every job there after) funded my obsession with the mall and having new clothes. My parents and other loved ones supported my habit with loving birthday and Christmas gifts in the form of handbags that come with dust bags to protect their leather and fabric, and now at twenty five, I scour online boutiques, thrift stores, grandmother's closets, and the mall to find the key pieces (and look alikes) to create the looks I lust over in my fashion magazines. 

You may ask yourself at this point: Why are you writing this? Why are you confessing to what appears to be a super materialistic lifestyle? Why do you have a savings account dedicated to handbag? (Celine, if you're wondering.) Because, it's about so much more than that. It's about being fabulous and making a statement about who you are, and being proud of what you have to offer the world

This isn't a fashion blog, or even a fashion post - it's a short Sunday sentiment about how you dress affects how people treat and perceive you. At the end of the day, fashion should be used a vehicle of self love and declarations of your identity to the world. You should dress how you want people to treat you. You should dress for the success you ultimately want in life. You should dress for the career you want, the relationships you want - wear the clothes, don't let the clothes wear you. 

Photo Credit: Pinterest
You don't have to lust over $3,200 handbags or Cartier panther rings like I do, but you should think about the message you're sending to the world through your clothes. Some of my readers may be thinking this is such a silly point and not worthy of a blog post, but you can't argue with the message: dress up and show out every single time
Photo Credit: Pinterest

On this Sunday, after my lesson plans are squared away, I will be at the local thrift stores searching for my key fashion pieces for fall: vests, chunky sweaters, printed oxford shirts, and dresses (of course.) I will take tips for my favorite designers and seek out look alikes (until I can afford the real thing.) I will sneak NYFW updates when my students are in their specials classes and read my fashion blogs late into the night. All of this, so that my message to the world will be clear: My name is Lucy and I am fabulous

Take some time to think about your fashion message, and most importantly: every time you leave the house, dress like you're meeting your prince charming or your worst enemy. 
Photo Credit: Pinterest

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