Well, hello there - it's so good to see you again, after about a million years. Life has been a crazy, tiresome, amazing whirlwind for the past two - three weeks, but I cannot complain. I've been living my passion and I had a birthday. All of these most recent events make up my Five Wonderful Things. I hope as we reconnect over this post, you take time to remember five things in your life that remind you how blessed you are or how you are living your passion day to day. Without further adieu, let's catch up... 1. I turned twenty five. That's right - I turned twenty five and so far, twenty five has been beautiful and fabulous. The opening week for teachers was the week of my birthday, so I had a nice dinner at a local Mexican restaurant with some of my closest friends. I got a repeat birthday celebration with my best friend (he had to work on my real birthday) this past weekend, and it was equally as amazing. Twenty five was something I was afraid - call it vanity, call it a quarter life crisis, call me whiny and over dramatic, but twenty five meant something to me. It came and left quietly, but reminded me that even if my life doesn't look how I want it now, that's okay - that's what my thirties are for. Twenty five is for late nights, less than frugal budgets, and memories of life as a single, passionate young woman. So, here's to being twenty five...
2. My classroom was ready ahead of schedule. Yes, you read that right - my classroom was ready ahead of schedule. Any teacher or friend of a teacher knows that this is such a beast to get under control at the beginning of the year. You have to dust and clean, move furniture, hang bulletin boards, laminate until you are high from the smell, and make sure your space is right for all the little humans who are about to invade. I was blessed that my principal asked me to set up my room early for our new teachers (we had eighteen new hires), so that they could see what a Learning Focused classroom looked like, and I jumped at the chance. That meant I started school a little earlier than most, but I was grateful for a chance to be settled before the rush of meetings and deadlines started. I also used my new sewing machine (a birthday present to myself) to sew some bookcase covers for my new room. 3. I have nineteen wonderful, I already love them students. I have nineteen students this year! I'll pause for the shock and awe to set in. Anyone who teaches upper grades knows that after third grade, class sizes can skyrocket. I had thirty students my first year teaching, so having nineteen students is such a luxury that I cannot completely comprehend right now. There is a strong possibility I can see everyone in a small group twice a day (once for reading and once for math) and that is a mind-blowing concept. They are so sweet and love school so much, and I can already feel how amazing this year will be, which is exciting, because it might be hard to top last year's bond. 4. My teammates are heaven sent. This year, our school had eighteen new hires, between classroom teachers, instructional assistants, and support staff, and two of those hires were new fifth grade teachers to join my team. I had two great teachers last year that I was blessed enough to work with and learn from, and I was hesitant to be too excited about my new teammates, but that quickly dissipated. My new teammates are wonderful and so enthusiastic and hard working and love this life as much as I do, which is an exciting, but nervous thought. As much as I love teaching and education, I have to remember to set a balance and let myself have time to breathe, so I hope that, as a team, we can find this balance together.
5. I got a Dooney + Bourke purse for my birthday. This is very materialistic, I know that, but if you know me personally, you know how much I love purses and how much I love high-quality designer purses, and my wonderful best friend got me one for my birthday and it's gorgeous and I love it. He (yes, I have a boy best friend and no, I don't care what you think) did a fantastic job at picking out something that I love and I can't wait to carry it into the fall - it's the perfect fall bag! So, ladies and gentlemen, it's been a crazy few weeks and the ride is about to get even faster and crazier, so let's enjoy this together! Until next time, friends - xo, Lucy
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