
How do you measure success?


[suh k-ses
the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors;the accomplishment of 
one's goals.; the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.; a performance or achievement that is marked by success, as by the attainment of honors: The play was an instant success.; a person or thing that has had success, as measured by attainment ofgoals, wealth, etc.: She was a great success on the talk show.; Obsolete, outcome.

This morning, I am mildly brain dead. This past week, I have spent more hours at school than at home, and more hours in front of my work computer than my own. I have neglected my monthly ritual of fashion magazines and coffee on Saturday mornings in bed (and my baby - this blog) for early Saturday mornings that revolve around guided reading, math small groups, and finding science experiments that don't involve latex of any kind.

I have poured my heart into starting a new school year with 19 (yes, you read that right!) new cupcakes, and two new teammates who are proving to be the perfect matches for fifth grade, but yet, most recently at a grade level chair meeting, when my principal asked for qualities of effective and quality teaching, my mind drew a blank...

This has led me to a reflection period of sorts about success, because ultimately, that's what she is asking for - how do you measure successful teaching in a classroom? But, I am more concerned with how do we measure success at all, any where, in any profession?

Is it making partner? Being promoted? Making more tips or having more tables than your co-worker? Being your own boss with your own hours or rules? Managing a company or companies? Having lots of money? Loving what you do? Saving lives?

How do we measure success? Is it measurable at all? If you Google "success quotes", it comes up with years old adages and common sayings, and up until recently, I believed every single one, but this morning, not so much. 

Success and its achievement is such a personal endeavor. I think that's my final say so on the matter. Being successful comes from the completion of things you desire, because if you don't want them, they will never even come close enough for you to grasp. Success has to be personal or we would all be Warren Buffets and Jay-Zs; we would all have this high status level from achieving generic success, but we aren't. Most of us are regular, chill ass people who have built a life for themselves with the things we seek out, with things we think are success. I have sought out positions in life to make me successful in my own personal way that may be different than someone else, because my own dreams are so much a part of me that I cannot simply follow the crowd and get a degree in business and join a company - that's not me, but if it's you, you better be running that company in five years. 

On this Friday, while I am feeling very existential, I am going to reach out and speak to an admissions counselor about doctoral school for next year, because that's what successful people do - one goal accomplished and it's on to the next one. So, ask yourself, my dear friends - how are you successful? Are you where you want to be yet? Are you even on the path? Do you even know how to get there? 

We can all be Warren Buffets and Jay-Zs in our own fields and own way. Make your mark and show the world success comes in lots of different ways - show them what your's looks like. 

Have a fantastic Friday, loves!
Until next time, 
the Jay-Z of teaching (:   

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