
Five Wonderful Things.

CNN, during the work week, has a running article that focuses on five news events to start your work week with. I find myself drawn to this article for numerous reasons, but I really like how easily it identifies five important events that may define your day - some are more serious than others, and there's always a token funny pet video, but it had me thinking about my own weeks and days, and how I can identify moments that can provided definition and clarity in a sometimes crazy world. The result of those brain-storming moments: Five Wonderful Things on Sunday evenings - a reflection on what made the week memorable or things that I am looking forward to. 

To the first edition of Five Wonderful Things

1. 50 Shades of Grey trailer premiered. Yes, this is a wonderful thing for me and countless other women (and men) who fell head over heels in love with Christian Grey in the hit serious. Today ran a two day series showcasing the trailer and behind the scenes footage that had me melting. I even re-read the whole series this weekend, hopefully sustaining my need until Valentine's Day 2015. Who doesn't love a megalomaniac CEO and his hopeless addiction to a bookish regular girl? 

2.  My best friend got a puppy. While this doesn't affect the world on a macro scale, it most certainly affects my micro world. He has been wanting a puppy for a while, and he finally got one - which is life changing! I am so in love with that little nugget, he fits in my hands right now and I am soaking up puppy snuggles until he gets too big. 

3. Back to school sales are in full swing. This is such an exciting time for me. I am obsessed with school supplies! As a teacher, I buy in bulk - spending a large sum to jump start my classroom, but I don't mind spending the money. If you know how to buy smart and which stores allow more than the limit for teachers and use price matching, you can make a huge dent in the sticker shock of back to school shopping. 

4. I get paid on this week. This is so important for so many reasons. I know money will not buy happiness nor does having money ensure that you will feel fulfilled, but that stretch from June till the end of July is a long time not to get paid. Thank God for parents and grandparents who are willing to still help you out when the times get tough. 

5. On Friday, I'm taking out some former students. On Friday, I am taking out a few of my former students from last year, and I could not be any more excited!! While I love all of my classes, I made such a connection with this class - I was so sure of myself as a teacher, which made for better relationships. 

So, here are my five wonderful things that are giving me hope or gave me hope. Think about your weeks and identify five things that keep you wanting more - the beauty in life comes from small things and moments. Don't overlook those - no one is going to come and remind you to be appreciative.

Have a great Monday, loves!
Till next time, 
-xo, Lucy 

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